Thursday, November 1, 2012

Easy ways to program a week at the gym

I was talking about this the other day with someone, and it actually turned out to be a useful use of words. So, without further ado, here are some easy ways to program a week at the gym.

If you organize it around upper body press, upper body pull and lower body it is a lot easier. For instance, for a three day a week program:

Day One
Push where you do two pushing exercises, one pull and one lower body

Day Two
Leg day with two leg exercises, one pull and one press

Day Three
Two pulling exercises, one press, one leg exercise

Two days a week:
Day 1 Legs (2) + pressing (2)
Day 2 Legs (2) + Pulling (2)

If you use body weight exercises for your "unloading movements" you can work in the core, and put together a killer workout that will get you in and out of the gym in 45-50 mins.

These books are pretty top notch in regards to programming, and can easily help you create a pretty solid program:

  • "Power Training" by Kevin Dos Remedios
  • As Always, "The New Rules of Lifting" series (5 books with a 6th on the way)
  • If you are more experienced with your lifts, "Maximum Strength" by Eric Cressey 
  • If you are an extremely experienced lifter and have PERFECT deadlift/hip hinge form, "5/3/1" by Jim Wendler is great. It is EXTREMELY ADVANCED, but really good if you need to break through training plateaus at a high level.
These eight books can easily fill an entire year of programming for strength training, and get you some killer strength gains. Enjoy!

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