Thursday, February 7, 2013

SEMINAR: Why Endurance Sports Break Us and How to Prevent It

Join us for "Why Endurance Sports Break Us and How to Prevent It" on Wed March 6, 2013. This will be a learn by doing seminar that will include information on why running, riding and swimming create muscle imbalances that can cause you to lose performance levels and incur an injury. After the talk, we will show you four simple moves that will help keep you moving at your best!

Topics included in the seminar:
  • How breathing affects performance
  • The importance of thoracic spine mobility
  • Where "swimmer's shoulder" and "runner's knee" aren't knee and shoulder issues
  • What happens to joint angles from muscle imbalances
  • The importance of a strong posterior chain
  • The best ways to stabilize your lumbar spine
  • The best exercises to increase performance and reduce your chance of getting injured

You are also invited to take our Monday and Wed 6:30pm core strength class prior to the seminar as well! Please let us know by March 1, 2013 if you are planning to attend either of the group strength classes before the talk.

Date: Wed March 6, 2013
Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Cost: $0
Location: INTEGRATE Performance Fitness
SEMINAR RSVP DEADLINE: Thursday Feb 28, 2013

Please send an email to to RSVP for the seminar.