Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanks for coming to the running seminar!!

On behalf of Vid, Jason, Carl, Coach B and Adam, I'd like to thank you all very much for coming to the "Minimal Training Maximum Results" seminar. We had a great time working with you, and hopefully you came away with some great information.

Also for those who aren't coming into the studio, you will get a complimentary week of our group strength training classes as well as two weeks of our running workout with Brigit Mon/Wed nights at Foothill College.

Next Seminar
We are also turning this into a progressive series where we send you away with homework for:
1) Ankle Mobility
2) Building single leg hip stability

We would put it on video so if you've got a wifi/3g/4g enabled device, you'd be able to take this information with you. So look for that in the not too distant future.

Presenter Information
The following will put you in touch with all seminar presenters. They are listed in order of appearance.
Vid Jindal, Spine & Sports Institute, Sunnyvaleemail:


Follow INTEGRATE on Facebook
My Fitness Forum on
INTEGRATE Fitness411 Blog
I've got a 60 slide powerpoint that I can send you with more information on lower body strength training as well. 

Follow On Your Mark on Facebook

Brigit Das, IPF Running Coach, IPF MVP Running Program
Mon/Wed Nights, Foothill College 6:00pm-7:30pm

Carl Canning, RKC, FMS, Z Health

With all of that said, here are some great minimalist/barefoot shoe resources as well:

Merrell Barefoot Microsite
Features minimalist and barefoot-minded content. This includes blog posts focused on barefoot/minimalist running, videos on how to run with a barefoot style featuring barefoot running guru Jason Robillard, and more.

How to fit Vibram Five Finger Shoes 
Click here to help get the best fit for your Vibram Five Finger shoes from

BirthdayShoes.comGreat website for all things minimalist shoe, including a pretty solid forum.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tapering Information From Joel Friel email interview

When would you be available for a call on the topic of tapering? An email answer will also work, if your schedule doesn't permit a phone call.

Specifically I'm looking for answers to the following:

1) How far out from an event?

- Century

- XC MTB "A" race

- Time trial "A" race

- Something like the Race Across the West, Race Across America, the Death Ride (16000' and 120 miles)

- Double centuries

[Joe Friel] The key variable is the athlete. With that in mind, the longer and harder the event the longer the peak period. Another variable is how hard the training was leading up to the event. The harder the training (esp in terms of intensity) the longer the taper.

2) How much intensity do you leave in each week leading up to the event?

[Joe Friel] I can’t put a number on it. Peaking for an Ironman or double century is a lot different than training for a sprint tri or crit. Intensity is important to both but it isn’t the same.

3)How much of a factor is the fact that you get your body used to a certain level of activity, and it does its best when those levels remain constant?

[Joe Friel] The levels of stress cannot remain the same or there will be no improvement. Increased level of stress, in some form, must be a part of training up until the taper/peak.

4) I get "clever rest = performance improvement," but how much is too much?

[Joe Friel] Again, very dependent on the athlete, what they’ve been doing up to the start of the peak, and the nature of the event. There is no answer that works across the board. Too many variables.

5) How much fitness can someone lose if they taper too long?

[Joe Friel] can lose it all in a few weeks based on the WKO model. I try to have athletes no less than 10% in the peak period.