Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You Need Sleep

Don’t “wake up on the wrong side of the bed,” all you need is the right sleep and you’ll be waking up on the right side of the bed every day! Sleep is so important, there’s no reason we should be skimping out on it!! We all know that sleep is important, and have heard that many times, but it’s not until you lack sleep that you usually realize just how important it can be. The amount of sleep you get can really make or break your day. If you were watching the Olympics, you probably noticed that every time an athlete talked about preparing for their event they mentioned how early they went to bed or how much sleep they got! Sleep is important!

Our bodies work hard during the day and deserve to rest at night. Most people don’t sleep more than 6 hours a night on average, and most of them have difficulties falling asleep (especially during the work week) so what should be 6 hours into much less. 

For all of you that say your memory’s going, or isn’t as good as it was, get more sleep! Sleeping gives your brain time to commit information to memory. That’s why all professors have been saying sleep before a test is more important than cramming during an all-night study sesh. Your brain remembers information better after sleep then it does without it. 

Lack of sleep can also lead to weight gain.  Without sleep, our bodies don’t process and store carbs properly, leading to an increase in weight. 

Your mood is affected by sleep. We’ve all dealt with it before: if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you often wake up feeling crabby and irritable. When we lack sleep we are often in an involuntarily bad mood that’s difficult to shake off. With the right amount of sleep you are more likely to be in a better mood.

And of course there’s the obvious reason we need sleep: so we don’t fall asleep at work, behind the wheel of a car or while on our bikes! 

I know, there are many different factors that stop us from getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep, but the closer you get to those 8 hours, the happier you will be! Chances are, you are doing something to sabotage the sleep you need without even knowing it. There are a couple little things we can change to help ensure our body gets as much sleep as we can give it. 

Don’t do work in bed. Your bed should be a place for sleep, it’s not a make-shift desk. By leaving your work outside of the bedroom, it’ll make your room into a place where you can escape work and stress, so you can relax and sleep. Try leaving all technology far away from your bed as well. By leaving iPads, phones, and computers out of sight, you will be less likely to want to check in with work and emails. 

Go to sleep at a decent time! There’s no reason to stay up late if there’s nothing to do -  the late night reruns can be watched some other time. Getting to sleep at a reasonable hour is one of the best things you can do to get the sleep you need. Even when you have a big presentation at work that you want to keep going over, or a big test in school the next day, getting a good night’s sleep will help you more than that all-nighter. 

Let yourself relax and unwind after a long day. Give yourself a break between working on the computer and trying to fall asleep. Take a shower, make yourself some tea, or read a book for a bit try to forget your worries, and relax for better sleep. Remember to relax!

Doing these things, and putting them into a sleep routine for yourself will help make sure your body gets the sleep it needs and deserves. You’ll wake up every morning feeling revitalized and in a much better mood!

Chrisi Keating
Santa Clara University
Communication Major

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