Many people believe that a dog can be a best friend. In truth, pets really do have a huge effect on our lives. Pets show affection whenever they can, they never judge, and they are always there for you. It’s amazing how much interacting with a pet can boost your mood. I have a cat, Scampers, and every time I or anyone else in the house is sick he will never leave our side. He lies in bed with you for however long it takes for you to feel better, but there is something about that support that he gives that is comforting and reassuring. No matter how many innovations we have, and no matter how complex technology gets the simple fact is that we humans are animals too. We have a good relationship with animals.
Pets are a major mood booster. If you go home after a stressful day in the office to be greeted by an overjoyed dog, you will automatically start feeling better, and start thinking of other things than how work was. They are always going to be waiting for you and ready to share their unconditional love. A 2002 study from the State University of New York in Buffalo actually found that when working on a stressful task, people suffer from less stress if their pet is with them rather than their spouse, family or friend.
A pet can be your very own personal trainer! What’s better than taking your dog for a walk, or playing with your cat, just to find out that what you just did really was an exercise. Dog owners are regularly more active and less likely to be overweight than people without pets.
In a way, pets can even be guardian angels for your person. They always know when something’s wrong. All animals have a way of sensing when something is off. Cats and dogs as well as most other animals know an earthquake is coming before we feel it, and their odd behavior is an obvious warning sign that something is about to happen. Animals also have a way of sensing when something is going on with you, whether you are just sad, or something is physically wrong. Like I said earlier, my cat will not leave when someone in my family is sick, he stays with you until you are all better, and even then you can tell he’s kind of watching you, making sure.
Dogs can also function as people’s health monitors. Dogs have a way of smelling chemical changes, which is why they are also used for bomb and drug searches, but they also notice when your body chemistry changes. Dogs notice changes that we don’t even notice, even when it’s too late. For instance, they can sense when someone around them is about to have epileptic seizures and are able to warn them to sit down or lay down. A diabetic’s dog also often shows a dramatic behavioral change when they notice their owner’s blood glucose level drops.
A dog really can be man's best friend.
Chrisi Keating
Santa Clara University
Communications Major
A dog really can be man's best friend.
Chrisi Keating
Santa Clara University
Communications Major
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