Thursday, December 13, 2012

Keep the Holiday Weight Away

With the holidays around, everyday becomes increasingly hectic in anticipation of the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. Everyones schedules get full with parties, family gatherings, and school performances and concerts.

The holiday’s are wonderful but they can also become a very stressful time; the kids are home, there are parties weekly, you need to get the presents bought and wrapped, the cookies baked, the house decorated, pull the winter clothes out of their summer hiding spots, it’s a never ending list causing the diet and workouts to go out the window until it’s time for you to make your New Years resolutions again. 

It’s hard to avoid all those delicious foods at gatherings, or the cookie trays that get passed around and it seems like everyone has bowl of festive candy at there desk, it’s hard not to get sucked into eating it all! And who has time to continue there normal work outs while the kids are back home all the time, or you’re traveling or having family visit? Here are a few simple ways that may help you not feel quite as guilty come New Years!

Eat something heathy before you go to a party. 
By eating before going out to a holiday party you are less likely to start grabbing all the food you see, and instead save the room you have left for the foods you really do want to eat. Try eating a handful of almonds before leaving for a party, their healthy and ward away hunger!

Avoid temptations! 
I know, easier said than done, but if you do, you will be so happy with yourself! Don’t go grabbing candy from all of the holiday candy bowls around the office, or avoid the break room when you know people have brought in trays of holiday cookies or sweets. 

Stay away from the food areas at parties! 
Don’t hover by the table that has all the horderves, stay away from it! When your standing by the horderve table it’s hard not to keep grabbing those perfect little bite size snacks. Moving away from the table allows you to still have your conversation, but without the temptation of snacking the whole time. 

And when you go to the mall to do the holiday shopping, consider parking a bit further away from the entrance, or maybe walk a bit faster than you normally would. This will get you moving more, even just making your walk a bit longer than it normally would be could help you burn a few extra calories!
Though none of these are fool proof answers to avoiding that holiday weight gain, they could definitely help! But no matter what, make sure you enjoy your holidays!
Chrisi Keating, is IPF's Lois Lane reporting on all things fitness for our Community News Blog. She's a senior at Santa Clara University studying Communications. Please feel free to post any questions that you've got!

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