Halloween is one of the hardest times of the year to avoid sugar!! Candy is literally everywhere; offices have bowls of candy corn out, teachers throw candy around for well answered questions, and chances are you have a big bowl of candy at home just sitting there waiting for trick or treaters to come by, just sitting there teasing you. How do you not grab a piece or two or ten? With that candy sitting there, just waiting to be handed out, it’s hard not to eat some. And then, the next day you’re faced with dilemma of what to do with the leftover candy that you still have sitting around, or the buckets of candy your kids brought back! It’s impossible to avoid the candy!
It’s hard to stay away from the candy, so the best thing to do is set guidelines! Make little rules for yourself when it comes to candy, or else you’ll find yourself halfway through the bucket of candy before you even realize it!
By giving yourself a few simple guidelines it’s easy to stop yourself from indulging to much into all the sugar. Only choose the best treats and candies to eat! It’s easy to see candy and want to eat a piece even if you’re not necessarily a big fan of the sweet. Choose you’re favorite pieces, and stay away from the rest! Don’t waste yourself on the candy’s that you don’t even like! It’s an easy way to avoid the extra sugar you don’t need! We’ve all done it before, we’ll grab the candy that we see, even if we’ve had it in the past, and know we don’t care for it, we grab it anyway figuring it’s still candy. But there’s no point in eating candy you don’t like! Save your splurging for the candy you actually like!
Think about making room in your diet for some candy! You know that the Halloween candy is around and you’ll probably snack on some, so think about cutting out a different splurge you usually have!
Halloween is the slow start into the holiday season’s so it’s good to start preparing. It’s candy now, but soon the pumpkin pies, gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies will be showing up so it’s good to prepare! If you’re trying to stick to a diet it’s good to remember to make some room in your diet for the sweets. Or make sure you pick and choose what sweets you want! There’s no reason adding some sweets into you’re diet should lead to over eating. Just make sure to stay balanced, having only sugary things in your diet never leads to any good….
Chrisi Keating
Santa Clara University
Communications Major
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