IPF Community Member, Alan Bell is crewing for Joan Dietchman's assault on Race Across America (RAAM). He will be providing us reports from the road so we can follow Joan's progress.
Here's the first one!
preparations are immense. The details are countless. And the tension is
starting to build. Joan Deitchman's attempt to complete and compete
solo RaaM (Race Across America) is getting close to the starting point -
Oceanside to Annapolis, 3050 miles, 13 days.
There are so many
activities playing out simultaneously, it is hard to keep track. The
training is in the taper stage. The bikes are getting their final
tweaks. All the vehicles are here.
Amazon Prime has been kept busy -
another order every day. And the empty and still full boxes litter the
Deitchman's house. Joan's husband Mike is busy training as a carpenter
to fill the vehicles with things to hold everything - bunks for people,
cabinets for the bike shorts, and tables for the coolers.
The crew is
trying to figure how to put all their stuff in a small bag - 2 shirts
and 2 shorts, and that's all the room they’re allowed. Everyone is
drawing their strength from Joan's monumental energy. As she puts it -
it is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Not only for
her but also for everyone involved. The adventure will start soon."
Best of luck Joan, for you and your crew.