Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thanks for coming tonight!!

On behalf of Wayne, Hartmut and Steven I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight! We enjoyed meeting you and hope you got a lot out of the seminar. 

Hopefully the next time you go on a ride, run or swim, you'll have a different perspective on:

1) How your breathing affects your performance.
2) The importance of thoracic spine mobility on shoulder health.
3) The importance of the glute on remaining injury free.
4) The need to do "anti-endurance sports" exercises in the gym to undo all of your training.
5) Your posture and how it may be affecting your performance.
6) The critical nature of strength training 2-3x/week to stay injury free.
7) How a change in one joint angle can affect an angle in another one from muscle imbalances.
8) The way your body is moving, and what you need to optimize your performance.

If you've got more questions, or you'd like to schedule some time with one of the strength coaches you worked with, here is their contact information:

Al Painter, NASM CES, PES, B.A., INTEGRATE Performance Fitness, LLC
Al is the founder and President of INTEGRATE Performance Fitness. He is a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified Performance Enhancement Specialist as well as an NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist. He also holds a degree in Communications from Santa Clara University. His area of specialty is endurance athlete specific strength training.
Al is the Fitness Editor for, as well as the moderator for the Training forum on He also serves as a strength and conditioning consultant to the National Interscholastic Cycling Assoc which included writing the strength training chapter for their Coach's Manual.
He's been named "Best Bay Area Personal Trainer" by CitySports Magazine as well as being the recipient of a "People's Choice Award" from Palo Alto Daily News.

If you've got questions for Al from tonight, please send an email to

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Hartmut Broring, M.S., Back In Form, Inc.
BACK IN FORM, Inc. is an onsite provider of fitness, wellness and health educational services. Ever since BACK IN FORM, Inc. was established in 1996 we have been devoted to provide the residents and companies of San Jose and the surrounding South Bay Communities with innovative and customized solutions in fitness, wellness & health education. 

Over the past years our trainers and health-educators have helped many clients to make positive and lasting life-style changes making a great difference in the quality of their lives.  

For more information on Back in Form, please send an email to

Steven Rice, Steven Rice Fitness
Steven specializes in functional strength and movement- real physical fitness that applies to life outside the gym and as cross training for sports. His clients transform their bodies and develop the strength, mobility, and movement skills to improve their health and quality of life, increase athletic performance, and reduce the chance of injury. Workouts emphasize developing strength with full body movement in all directions, primarily using free weights and body weight. Proper technique and posture are always taught.

Corrective exercise is used as needed to help with chronic movement-based problems that may be causing pain or injury. Steven cares deeply about his clients, and gets great satisfaction from seeing them improve.

If you would like more information on training from Steven Rice Fitness, please send an email to

Wayne LaCroix  C.K.T. , P.S.C.S.
Specializing in corrective strength and conditioning programs adapted from powerlifitng, Olympic lifting, kettlebell, and body weight training, to enhance performance, correct and rehabilitate structural imbalances,  and increase resilience to future injuries. If  you would like to contact Wayne to set up an appointment, please send an email to