Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Diet does not Fit All

We’ve all heard that boys are made of “snips and snails and puppy dog tails” and that girls are made of “sugar and spice and everything nice.” While that old nursery rhyme isn’t completely true, men and women are definitely made a bit differently. We can’t see the differences on the inside but judging by the outside, it’s clear that our bodies are just different. One diet doesn’t fit all – we need different nutrients from men; ones that are as complex as we are. 

First things first – women need iron! And we need much more of it than men. Not only do most women have decreased levels of iron in our bodies, we also lose a lot of it every month when we have our periods. Iron is essential for our bodies. Not only is it necessary for the formation of proteins and compounds that deliver oxygen to tissues and muscles, it is also capable of creating energy. Studies show that we need at least 18 milligrams of iron per day to keep our bodies running smoothly.

Without enough iron, the body can fall prey to a number of problems ranging from anemia to iron deficiencies. Trust me, an iron deficiency is no fun! They cause you to feel weaker, more fatigued and can wreak havoc on your immune system. 

Admittedly, it is difficult to get the necessary amounts of iron from the foods we eat. Thankfully, many grain companies have provided an answer to this call by fortifying their products with iron. Red meats, leafy greens (the darker the color, the better,) spinach, liver and beans are some of the many foods that are naturally high in iron. You can increase the amount of iron absorption in your body by combining it with Vitamin C, found in foods like citrus fruits, broccoli, and yellow bell peppers (yes, color matters as the green bell peppers contain much less Vitamin C.)

Iron is not the only thing that we need more of then the men. We also need calcium! After all, women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Everyone knows that calcium makes to strong bones, but did you know that after turning thirty, your body stops building bone mass? But by getting the right nutrients and good exercise, you can keep your bones strong at any age.  

Food is the best source of calcium for your body. Calcium can be found in a vast array of foods from milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products to kale, salmon, beans, orange juice, and tofu. 

Magnesium and Vitamin-D are also important for your body while trying to get calcium, because they act as counterparts. Magnesium is found in nuts, veggies, and whole grains and the best way to get Vitamin-D? Spend some time in the sun! But remember, sodas and other carbonated drinks can cause all of this to be undone. Carbonation in drinks causes the bones to become porous and lose bone mass. Not to mention, the extreme amounts of sugar usually found in carbonated drinks can cause a whole slew of problems for teeth. So, to stay as healthy as possible, stay away from the bubbly drinks, and hang out in the sun while enjoying your salmon sandwich!

For those of you wanting to up your iron, calcium and all your nutrients try out this Lemon Scented Salmon-Bean Salad .

Christina Keating is interning for us at IPF and is AWESOME!! She's also studying Communications at Santa Clara University.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Gear Geek: Gimme Your Worst!

Livestrong San Jose 2010 beats out some stiff competition – including two different rides in which I crashed and broke bones. You have to understand that I had trained for this ride for months. I was the strongest that I’d probably ever been after teaming up with a new group of coaches that taught me how to push out of my comfort zone.

We’d been up the dreaded climb at mile 68, Metcalf, twice. The one that Lance Armstrong admitted was terrible. 1,000 feet in 2 miles? Steady grade of ~10%? I was ready!

Click here to see if The Gear Geek came out on top at Livestrong!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Gear Geek: If You've Got it, Flaunt It

The way I see it, if you’re going to ride a wooden bike, you damn well better make it pretty. People are gonna look at it. Ask questions. Make comments.

Wooden bikes are meant to stand out! So, when it came my turn to pick out the woods that would make up my new frame, aesthetics were definitely a big consideration.

Click here to see what the Gear Geek chose as the material of her new bike.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NEW FEATURE! "The Gear Geek"

Want to know about the latest and greatest gear to hit the cycling world? If so, then look no further than "The Gear Geek" featuring IPF MVP Cycling Coach and MTB Race Team member Jamie "Laverne" Hull.

She will bring us a new weekly installment to the IPF blogosphere to keep you up to date on the best ways to spend money on your bike and two wheeled lifestyle! With the Sea Otter Classic coming up next week, rest assured there will be many things to read about.

I fell in love with Rapha last year and spent most of the fall raving about their long sleeve wool jersey. Those things are the perfect weight for California cool temps, and are made of possibly the best jersey fabric ever. The merino is soft and doesn’t itch, the wick-factor is high… and the craftsmanship is just impeccable. So when the famed ‘Rapha Women’s sale’ came around this year, I already owned that jersey in every color, and decided to trial their shorts options instead.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Meet Your 2012 MVP Coaches: Lisa Hern

The Maximum Velocity Program officially kicks off Tuesday April 3, 2012, and we want to introduce the AMAZING coaches we've got for this year's program. Their experience ranges from UCI racing in Europe to the LiveStrong Challenge Century and everything in between.

Next up is Lisa Hern. She's been an IPF two wheeled staple for two years, and best of all, she's a Giants fan that rides a mountain bike!!!

1) Years Riding?
Commuting by bike since 2002, racing since 2007.

2) Why MVP?
Nobody but NOBODY is a bigger Al PAINter fan than I am (I told you she was good people!). And I have the psychological and physical bruises to prove it. But seriously, I respect the IPF holistic approach to cycling (yes you CAN lift weights and stretch and if you do things other than cycling, you can still be a "cyclist").

3) Thing you are looking forward to the most?
I always enjoy getting to know knew IPF fitness fans. For whatever reason, it attracts some of the nicest people in the area. I look forward to watching Al spin like a whirling dervish too!

4) Favorite thing about riding?
There is nothing NOTHING in the world that gets me into the present moment like riding my bike. It is my church.

5) Favorite type of event?
I like them long. The 206-mile Lotoja race was my fave so far. And no, it wasn't a ride, it was an actual race!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Meet Your 2012 MVP Coaches: Lisa Demarquez

The Maximum Velocity Program officially kicks off Tuesday April 3, 2012, and we want to introduce the AMAZING coaches we've got for this year's program. Their experience ranges from UCI racing in Europe to the LiveStrong Challenge Century and everything in between.

Next up is Lisa Demarquez. She's gone MVP participant to instructor, and we're psyched she's involved!

1) Years Riding? 4

2) Why MVP? 

A friend told me how fun this group is to ride with and I should come try it out. Well I did and found out just hoe fun and torturous workout could be, so I kept coming back for more. Everyone in the MVP is supportive and friendly. No matter what your riding level you are one of the team.

3) Thing you are looking forward to the most?

Being able to hang out with Al 2x/week.

4) Favorite thing about riding? 

The comradery, the feeling of accomplishment I get after a hard work out or a long ride.

5) Favorite type of event?
MTB event because that's what Al would want me to say.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Meet Your 2012 MVP Coaches: Joan Grant Dietchman

The Maximum Velocity Program officially kicks off Tuesday April 3, 2012, and we want to introduce the AMAZING coaches we've got for this year's program. Their experience ranges from UCI racing in Europe to the LiveStrong Challenge Century and everything in between.

Next up is 2011 Race Across the West Women's Category Winner and 2012 Race Across America rider Joan Grant Dietchman.

1) Years Riding?

2) Why MVP?
Because after 10 years of riding I'd never had any formal cycling training and wanted a structured workout to gain skills and become a better rider.

3) Thing you are looking forward to the most?
Crushing Bob Corman in a sprint! ;)

4) Favorite thing about riding?
Riding in beautiful places and soaking up the scenery!

5) Favorite type of event?
I'm racing across the country in June, so the answer better be "ultra-endurance", otherwise I've made a big mistake and signed up for the wrong event!! ;)